CerebroVis: Topology and constraint-based network layout for the visualization of cerebrovascular arteries

Screenshot of the visualization tool.
The CerebroVis visualization interface, showing a 2D isosurface visualization of the brain arteries, a legend and selectors for showing categorical or blood volume color scales, and the abstract 2D network layout of the brain arteries.

Blood circulation to the human brain is provided through a network of cerebral arteries. A blockage or leakage of an artery in this system may be due to diseases such as a stroke or aneurysm. To identify and diagnose these conditions, doctors obtain and examine CTA or MRA radiological images. The doctor’s diagnostic tasks include examination of artery branches for abnormalities and identification of paths of abnormal flow from a deformed artery. These tasks are in actuality the network analysis tasks of browsing and path following. In this work, we introduce the definition of the cerebral artery system as a network. This framing allowed us to develop a novel network representation of the cerebrovascular arteries. The layout uses a topology- and constraint-based technique to present the structure intuitively and preserve the spatial context. Experts validated thelayout design, and robustness is demonstrated through testing with 56 MRA datasets.

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Harsh Shukla
Geoffrey S. Young
Lei Qin
Thumbnail image for publication titled: CerebroVis: Topology and constraint-based network layout for the visualization of cerebrovascular arteries
CerebroVis: Topology and constraint-based network layout for the visualization of cerebrovascular arteries

Aditeya Pandey, Harsh Shukla, Geoffrey S. Young, Lei Qin, Cody Dunne, and Michelle A. Borkin. Poster at InfoVis '18: IEEE Information Visualization—VIS Posters. 2018

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Data Visualization @ Khoury — Northeastern University
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